Adelina Martin
by on June 8, 2024

Error codes are common while operating QuickBooks software. Users are usually annoyed by these errors. QuickBooks BEX error is one of those errors, which causes problems for QB users. This error happens when a program tries to save a specific data quantity in a memory block. This might affect the QuickBooks files and damage certain window applications. In the end, QuickBooks completely stops the process. This article comprises the solutions to troubleshoot QuickBooks BEX error.

Reasons for QuickBooks desktop BEX errors

  • QuickBooks may encounter issues due to an installation that is either damaged or incomplete.
  • Third-party security software might prevent QuickBooks from running properly.
  • If the company file name exceeds a certain limit, errors may arise.
  • Using outdated versions of either Windows OS Files or QuickBooks software can trigger this error.
  • A damaged or corrupt hard drive can contribute to QuickBooks errors.
  • QuickBooks may face problems if the QBWUSER.INI file within the software is damaged.
  • Errors might also occur due to damage to Microsoft components.

Points to know before following the steps to fix QuickBooks BEX error

Before trying to fix QuickBooks BEX errors, you should consider the following points

  • Your company file name should be 35 characters or less. If it is longer, in that case, change the file name.
  • Confirm that you are not running QuickBooks on Windows 10, as it doesn’t support QuickBooks earlier versions
  • Delete QuickBooks from firewall and antivirus lists.
  • Run the Clean Install Tool to install QuickBooks once again
  • Keep updating QuickBooks desktop software to avoid QuickBooks issues, such as BEX errors.
  • Regularly updating the Windows operating system is very important.
  • Use the Windows Disk Checking tool to test for damaged parts on your hard drive.

Effective Ways to Fix QuickBooks BEX Error

In this article, we have mentioned effective methods for QuickBooks users to rectify BEX errors.

Update your Windows operating system

  • First, click on the Windows icon to start the update process.
  • From the Start menu, search for "Updates."
  • Now, double-click on the Windows Update icon within the Windows Update window.
  • Afterwards, select the "Check for Updates" option.

  • Once the update process is complete, identify and select the updates that you consider important.
  • Continue to download these updates onto your computer.
  • Restart your system to automatically install the downloaded updates.
  • After restarting, reopen QuickBooks and verify if the Windows update has resolved the BEX error.
  • If you find a BEX error once again, continue the next method.

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