Steven George
by on June 11, 2024

Varicose veins are a common condition affecting many people worldwide. They are swollen, twisted veins that often appear on the legs and can cause discomfort or pain. Addressing varicose veins is important not only for cosmetic reasons but also for overall health. So, what type of doctor treats varicose veins? Let’s explore the specialists involved, the treatments they offer, and why seeking professional help is crucial.

Understanding Varicose Veins

Varicose veins develop when the valves in the veins malfunction, causing blood to pool instead of flowing smoothly back to the heart. This condition can lead to symptoms like aching, swelling, and a heavy feeling in the legs. Identifying the right specialist for treatment can significantly improve the quality of life for those affected.

Types of Doctors Who Treat Varicose Veins

There are several types of doctors who specialize in treating varicose veins. Each brings a unique set of skills and expertise to address this condition effectively.

Vascular Surgeons

Vascular surgeons are highly trained in treating diseases of the vascular system, which includes veins and arteries. They are skilled in both surgical and non-surgical treatments for varicose veins. Vascular surgeons can perform procedures like vein stripping, where the damaged vein is removed, and endovenous laser therapy (EVLT), which uses laser energy to close off the varicose vein.


Phlebologists are vein specialists who focus primarily on the treatment of varicose veins and other venous disorders. They often use minimally invasive techniques such as sclerotherapy, where a solution is injected into the vein to make it collapse and fade. Phlebologists are experts in diagnosing venous conditions and providing comprehensive care for varicose veins.

Interventional Radiologists

Interventional radiologists use imaging techniques to guide minimally invasive procedures. They are adept at performing treatments like radiofrequency ablation (RFA), which involves using heat generated by radio waves to close off varicose veins. This method is effective and involves less recovery time compared to traditional surgery.


In some cases, dermatologists who specialize in cosmetic procedures also treat varicose veins, particularly smaller ones known as spider veins. They use methods like laser therapy and sclerotherapy to improve the appearance of the veins and alleviate symptoms.

Treatments Offered by Varicose Vein Specialists

The treatment for varicose veins varies depending on the severity of the condition and the specialist’s approach. Here are some common treatments provided by doctors:


Sclerotherapy involves injecting a solution directly into the varicose vein, causing it to collapse and be absorbed by the body. This procedure is often performed by phlebologists and dermatologists and is suitable for treating smaller varicose veins and spider veins.

Endovenous Laser Therapy (EVLT)

EVLT is a minimally invasive procedure performed by vascular surgeons and interventional radiologists. It uses laser energy to heat and seal the affected vein, redirecting blood flow to healthier veins. This treatment is effective for larger varicose veins and has a short recovery period.

Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)

RFA is similar to EVLT but uses radiofrequency energy instead of laser energy to close off varicose veins. Interventional radiologists typically perform this procedure. It is minimally invasive, with patients often resuming normal activities shortly after treatment.

Vein Stripping and Ligation

For more severe cases, vein stripping and ligation might be necessary. This surgical procedure involves removing the affected vein through small incisions. Vascular surgeons perform this treatment when other less invasive options are not suitable.

Why Seek Professional Treatment?

Seeking treatment from a specialist for varicose veins is crucial for several reasons:

Accurate Diagnosis

Specialists can provide an accurate diagnosis through detailed examinations and imaging tests. This ensures that the underlying cause of the varicose veins is identified and appropriately addressed.

Effective Treatment Options

Specialists offer a range of effective treatment options tailored to the patient’s specific condition. They can recommend the most suitable procedure based on the severity of the varicose veins and the patient's overall health.

Symptom Relief

Professional treatment can provide significant relief from the symptoms associated with varicose veins, such as pain, swelling, and heaviness in the legs. This can improve mobility and enhance the quality of life.

Prevention of Complications

Untreated varicose veins can lead to complications such as ulcers, bleeding, and deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Seeking treatment from a specialist can help prevent these serious health issues.

Choosing the Right Specialist

When choosing a doctor to treat varicose veins, consider the following factors:

Credentials and Experience

Ensure that the specialist has the necessary credentials and experience in treating varicose veins. Board certification and a proven track record in vein treatment are important indicators of expertise.

Treatment Options Offered

Different specialists may offer various treatment options. It’s important to choose a doctor who provides the treatment that best suits your condition and preferences.

Patient Reviews and Testimonials

Reading reviews and testimonials from other patients can provide insights into the specialist’s expertise and patient care. Positive feedback can help you feel more confident in your choice.

Consultation and Communication

Schedule a consultation to discuss your condition and treatment options. Pay attention to how the specialist communicates and addresses your concerns. A good doctor-patient relationship is essential for successful treatment outcomes.


Varicose veins can significantly impact your quality of life, but effective treatments are available. Understanding what type of doctor treats varicose veins is the first step towards finding relief. Vascular surgeons, phlebologists, interventional radiologists, and dermatologists all play a role in treating this condition. By seeking professional help, you can benefit from accurate diagnosis, effective treatment options, symptom relief, and prevention of complications. Choosing the right specialist involves considering their credentials, experience, treatment options, patient reviews, and communication style. With the right care, you can manage varicose veins and improve your overall health and well-being.

Posted in: Health
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