by on November 6, 2023

The surrogacy cost in India per attempt is very reasonable and affordable, which attracts people from other countries to travel to India for fertility treatment. Offering such suitable surrogacy charges in India does not mean that the fertility specialists at We care health services are cutting back on the quality of treatment. They offer the best treatment to individuals without bias among low-income people, the beneficiaries, or those in need.

The reason behind offering reasonable surrogacy charges in India is that the fertility experts at this center want individuals to enjoy their parenthood phase happily with their children. The goal of the fertility specialists at We Care Health services center is not to make money out of the couple's pocket. They are doing their best to achieve the highest surrogacy success rate in India at a reasonable cost, which helps many infertile couples to have a baby.

How do experts perform the surrogacy procedure, and how much does the surrogacy process cost in India?

Surrogacy is a procedure in which professionals first perform an IVF procedure, where they take the eggs and sperm of the biological parents and fertilize them in an IVF laboratory to facilitate fertilization. Once fertilization occurs, the embryologist selects the best embryo and places it in the surrogate mother's womb to ensure a successful pregnancy. The surrogate mother will hold a baby in her uterus for nine months and then hand the baby over to the biological parents. The surrogate will ensure that she does not make any travel plans during the fertility procedure.

Anyone can be a surrogate mother. It can be your friend, relative, or any known person who selflessly helps the couple to have a baby. The approximate total cost of surrogacy in India is INR 12 lakhs to INR 18 lakhs depending upon the location where the couple chooses to proceed with their surrogacy treatment.

How much does a surrogate mother price in India to provide her services?

The surrogate mother price in India is very reasonable at We care health services center. The surrogate mother's price in India depends on the experience and qualifications of the surrogate mother, the condition of the surrogate mother's uterus, etc. Also, the surrogate mother price in India is different for normal and cesarean sections, which specialists will confirm after analyzing the condition of the surrogate mother during the delivery period.

What is the legal procedure for surrogacy, and what is the surrogacy rate in India for legal documentation?

We care healthcare experts request both parties, i.e., biological parents and surrogate mother, to sign a legal contract before starting surrogacy in India to avoid misunderstandings after the procedure gets completed.

The contract states that the surrogate mother carries the child in her womb for nine months and hands the child over to the biological parents after the procedure. She also won't make any travel plans for her doctor's appointment during the procedure. On the other hand, the biological parents must take full responsibility for the surrogate mother from the initial stage until the child's birth. If possible, it will be a great advantage for the biological parents to see the doctor with the surrogate mother as they can go through the parenting phase.

After the end of the proceedings, the biological parents must file a motion with the court to issue the child's birth certificate, on which the biological parents' name should appear instead of the surrogate mother's name, namely on the 3rd day of the child's birth. The court will review the documents before issuing the birth certificate. Once the judicial authorities are satisfied, they order the Department of Vital Statistics to prepare a new birth certificate in the name of the biological parents as the legal parent.

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