Jitu Choudhary
on June 13, 2024
Which is the Nearest Hill Station from Gurgaon?
The nearest hill station from Gurgaon is Morni Hills, located in the state of Haryana. Approximately 250 kilometers away, Morni Hills offers a refreshing escape from the bustling city life of Gurgaon. Nestled in the Shivalik range of the Himalayas, this serene destination is perfect for a quick weekend getaway. The drive to Morni Hills is scenic, taking around 5 to 6 hours by car.
Morni Hills is renowned for its lush greenery, tranquil lakes, and pleasant climate. The area is ideal for nature lovers, offering opportunities for trekking, bird watching, and boating. Tikkar Taal, a popular spot in Morni Hills, features two interconnected lakes surrounded by picturesque landscapes, making it a perfect picnic spot.
Whether you are looking to unwind amidst nature or indulge in outdoor activities, Morni Hills is the perfect destination for a rejuvenating retreat from Gurgaon. if you want to with family or friends you can book our Tempo Traveller Rental services in Gurgaon at the cheapest price.
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