hemant Singh
on June 20, 2024
Dehradun to Kedarnath: A Complete Travel Guide 2024
Embarking on a journey from Dehradun to Kedarnath is an amazing experience, combining spiritual fulfillment with breathtaking natural beauty. Start your trip by driving or taking a taxi from Dehradun to Gaurikund, a journey of approximately 230 km that takes around 8-9 hours. The scenic drive offers beautiful views of the Garhwal Himalayas and lush valleys.
From Gaurikund, the journey continues with a 16 km walk to Kedarnath. For those less inclined to hike, options like pony rides and helicopter services are available. Along the trek, you will encounter picturesque landscapes, waterfalls, and serene villages.
Upon reaching Kedarnath, the spiritual aura of the ancient Kedarnath Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva, is truly captivating. The best time to visit is from May to October, avoiding the monsoon season. Remember to carry warm clothing, sturdy footwear, and essential supplies to ensure a comfortable journey.
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