Jitu Choudhary
on October 23, 2024
What is the cost of Tempo Traveller in Delhi per km?
When you rent a Tempo Traveller in Delhi, the price can change depending on different things such as the type of van, how many people it can seat, and how long you need it for. Typically, rates kick off at Rs 22 per kilometer, but they might increase if you opt for a fancier model or add-ons like air conditioning or luxury amenities.
If you’re traveling with a group, a 12 seater Tempo Traveller is great because it offers a good mix of comfort and roominess. Keep in mind that for longer trips or journeys to hill stations, you might also have to cover driver allowances and toll taxes, which will be added to the total cost.
For example, if you're planning a trip from Delhi to Manali, the overall cost will be calculated based on the distance, which is approximately 550 kilometers one way. Make sure you ask the rental service about any extra fees or deals that might impact the final cost. It’s essential to double-check the complete expenses before reserving your Tempo Traveller in Delhi.
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