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Male. Lives in Mohali, India.
by on July 16, 2024
Have you ever thought about how people moving to new cities for work get their basic food supplies? In India, this has been a challenge for many. Migrant workers and their families often struggle to access essential food items at fair prices when they are far from home. To solve this problem, the government introduced a powerful initiative. Imagine a system where no matter where you go in India, you can always get your food rations. This is the promise of the “One Nation One Ration Card” (ONORC)...
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by on July 4, 2024
If you're looking to deepen your understanding of financial markets, the best finance podcasts of 2024 offer a wealth of knowledge, especially for beginners. For those interested in a stock market podcast that breaks down complex topics into easy-to-digest segments, there are numerous options. Finance podcasts have grown in popularity, providing insights into various investing strategies and market trends. In India, finance podcasts in 2024 are gaining traction, featuring local experts who discu...
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by on July 1, 2024
How do companies raise funds to start or expand their businesses? And how do investors get access to new securities and benefit from their growth potential? The answer to all these questions lies in the primary market. It is the market where new securities are created and sold for the first time by the issuers. It is also known as the new issue market, as it offers new opportunities for both the issuers and the investors. Let us understand the features and the function of a primary market in Ind...
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by on June 22, 2024
Linking your demat and savings accounts streamlines the entire process of investing in the stock market. It not only saves your time but also provides a level of convenience and security that can encourage more people to invest confidently. If you’re new to the stock market it is important for you to know the benefits of linking demat account with savings account! When you link demat account with savings account, it makes it easier for you to move money between them. So, when you want to buy sto...
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by on June 19, 2024
Choosing the best mutual funds for long term SIP is critical to meeting financial objectives. Identifying your investing goals and risk tolerance is vital, as are many available alternatives. This article offers a complete approach to assisting investors in navigating the challenges of picking long term mutual funds SIP. Apprehending your investing targets and risk tolerance is step one towards selecting the best mutual funds for long term SIP. Assessing your danger tolerance includes determinin...
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by on June 18, 2024
Life’s unpredictability is a harsh reality we all face. Each day, we hear about countless road accidents, stirring fear and prompting a sudden thought: What if it were me behind the wheel? What about my loved ones? These moments drive us to seek accident insurance coverage, but the decision-making process can be confusing, especially when choosing between government and private insurers. The Government of India has introduced an accidental insurance scheme that offers financial protection agains...
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by on June 14, 2024
The Government of India has elevated the Aadhaar card to an essential document for identifying individuals. It’s not just a key to opening bank accounts; this year, it has also become a valid identity proof for voting. This document holds great significance nowadays. A common challenge that many of us face is understanding how to link Aadhaar Card with mobile number. If your mobile number is not yet linked or if you wish to update it, explore the process to link mobile number to aadhar card onli...
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by on June 12, 2024
Have you ever wondered why traders suddenly decide to sell stocks they once believed would fetch them long-term returns and security? That’s something called as long unwinding. It’s like hitting the rewind button on a long position. This reverse may be the result of shifts in market conditions, profit motives, or a change in the individual investor’s market outlook and perception. But why does a trader prefer long unwinding? What happens after long unwinding? In this blog, we know about long unw...
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by on June 5, 2024
In the fast-changing world of Indian markets, choosing the right bank is crucial for those who trade and invest. Why? Because the economy constantly evolves, so do the services offered by banks. We Indians still prioritise safety above all else and thus tend to favour government banks in India. However, it’s important to select the best bank for your financial needs, focusing on the one that provides the best rates, products, and services. In this blog, we have curated a list of the top 10 gover...
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by on June 3, 2024
Are you an NRI interested in investing in the Indian stock market? Has recent news about India becoming the fourth-largest stock market in the world piqued your interest? But how do you start? What is the process to open an NRI demat account in India? This article will guide you through everything, from the basics of NRI trading account in India to the steps involved in opening a demat account for NRI in India. NRIs can invest in Indian stock markets through the Portfolio Investment Scheme (PIS)...
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by on May 27, 2024
In 2024, the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) continues to be a cornerstone of digital payments in India, offering seamless and real-time transactions. The transaction limits and charges for UPI transaction have been set to ensure both accessibility and security for users. The increase in the use of UPI has been mainly due to the ease of the payment system and liberal guidelines. While the use of UPI has been skyrocketing, many are still confused about the upi charges, the limit applicable on UP...
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by on May 24, 2024
If you are a beginner in the stock market, it is essential to know that you must open a Demat account to start trading. But how do you choose the one that fits your trading needs? In India, there are various types of Demat accounts or types of trading account. Whether you’re a local investor or an NRI, understanding these types of Demat account ensures security. The investor must open a Demat Account with a SEBI registered depository participant to hold and transfer securities. Let’s explore the...
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