by on October 20, 2023

Fc-Fusion Protein Analysis

Due to their significant involvement in numerous disease pathologies, peptides and proteins make intriguing drug candidates. The intrinsic short serum half-life of these biomolecules, however, frequently limits their therapeutic value. This issue gave rise to a novel class of therapies called Fc-fusion proteins, which combine the advantageous pharmacological traits of biological ligands with the extra traits of an immunoglobulin G (IgG)'s fragment crystallizable (Fc) domain. In fact, the clinical potential of active protein drugs is greatly enhanced by the fusion of the IgG-Fc domain to a ligand, active peptide, or extracellular domain (ECD) of a receptor. This is done, for instance, by increasing the plasma half-life and activating immune-mediated effector functions that may otherwise be silenced.

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Topics: fc-fusion
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