by on December 22, 2023

Expressed as a fusion protein with the appropriate tag, a protein of interest can be powerfully used to define its features. But each probe is customized for a particular protein and use, necessitating a significant financial outlay. The majority of proteins can be bound to target molecules with fluorescent tags easily and often using SNAP-tag.

A human O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase (AGT) mutant known as SNAP-tag allows for the irreversible labeling of particular areas with O6-benzylguanine (BG) derivatives that carry fluorescence probes. It has been demonstrated to have no effect on the way proteins fuse and has been utilized in pulse-chase labeling in the past. The SNAP-tag based half-life assay method's metabolism and side effects have been thoroughly investigated, and because of its strong specificity, high safety, and low toxicity, it is frequently used.


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Topics: snap-tag
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