Kelly Wilson
by on December 24, 2023

With the holidays just around the corner, you are probably already getting a little stressed about the holiday parties you have to plan. Your company holiday party is one of the most important ones because you want to ensure you show your employees and staff how thankful you are for them and their hard work throughout the year. 

For an unforgettable holiday party, make sure to follow the tips in this guide so that everyone can have an amazing time. 

Make Sure the Party Has a Theme 

Obviously, the main theme is the holidays. However, there are many themes you can add that will help people know how to dress. It will also let them know what to expect. If you have a  religious company, you might want to make the theme religious. 

You can also add a theme where everyone can wear ugly sweaters. For a more formal party, Winter Wonderland is a great theme that also encourages everyone to dress up. 

Make sure to consider the mission statement of your company and what the values are as it might help you to choose a theme. 

Create the Guest List 

All your employees will be invited, of course. However, you need to decide if they can also bring a plus one or not. If the party is going to be family-friendly, you might even make it a company party where the employees can bring their relatives and children. 

If you want to restrict the number of guests, it’s best to make a company party that just includes a plus one. If you’re not worried about the number of people, you can tell your staff they are welcome to bring their spouses and kids. 

Some companies also like to include clients in the party. Make sure you invite important clients and partners at the very least. 

The guest list is very important because you want to ensure that you have an accurate number so that you can choose the correct venue, have the right amount of food, etc. 

Get Entertainment 

All holiday parties need entertainment whether it be something simple or something big. The entertainment you hire will depend on the theme of your party and the venue. If you are having a casual party, you might want to hire a simple DJ. 

For elegant parties though, something like a jazz band is much better. Jazz bands are also the best choice if you are having a winter wonderland theme party or if the party is black tie. 

Jazz bands are also great when you want to play Christmas music only because the typical holiday songs sound very elegant when played on jazz instruments. 

Make sure your entertainment fits in with the atmosphere and the environment so that everything matches. 

Choose the Food 

All parties need to have good food. Your employees are probably very unlikely to attend a party if there is not food so you want to ensure you have enough food and you have food that people like. 

Make sure to include a variety of different foods so that everyone can find something they enjoy. If there are kids at the party, make sure to include some food that children like to eat. 

In general, holiday parties have holiday food but you can also choose to get some different dishes if you think people would prefer not to have holiday food. 

You also need to consider the drinks. Some companies like to have an open bar, but if you're having a holiday party with children, this might not be the best idea. 

You also need to consider your budget when it comes to the food as having things like a buffet and open bar can be very expensive depending on how many people you invite. 

Pick Decorations 

No company holiday party is complete without the perfect decorations. Decorations need to match your theme so make sure you are shopping for them and looking for them early otherwise you might not be able to find ones that go with the theme. 

If you want to make the party extra special, you might also consider getting some party favors. Make sure it’s something small so people can take it home easily. 

Consider Having a Planning Team

Depending on the size of your team, you might not have the time to plan the party alone. In this case, you will want to have a party planning committee. If you chose an expensive venue that is all-inclusive, you might already have an event coordinator, but most companies need to appoint a few people to help make the party. 

You can ask for volunteers or you choose the people yourself. Just make sure everyone on the team is organized and good at planning. 

Choose the Date Wisely 

The date of the party is very important. You want to make sure it’s a few weeks before Christmas so that everyone is already in the holiday mood but they still have enough time to travel around Christmas day without missing the company party. 

Besides the date, you also want to make sure you have a good location. Some people just choose to have the party at the office if they have a space big enough. For large corporations though, it’s better to rent a venue. 

You might also choose to have an all-inclusive menu as these can make it easier for you to plan since they usually already have set menus, an event coordinator, and other things to help the planning process go smoothly. 

The Bottom Line 

The holidays are the most special time of the year and every company needs to have a party where they can make their staff and workers feel appreciated. Make sure to start planning the party early so that everything can be in order and the event can go smoothly. 

When in doubt, make sure to have a party planning committee that can ensure the party is perfect. 

Posted in: Entertainment
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