1. The remember ball is a plastic clear orb that inside it is a substance sort of like powder that turns purple when you have forgotten something.
2. She is scared of heights, and she's not good at co... View More
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2021 Albums
Post every record you listen to in 2021! Here's to this year being better than the last!
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Weekly Poll: Favorite Godspeed You! Black Emperor Album
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Linksys Router is not working
In between the different type of routers, Linksys is one of another router to use, and for that, it is very useful and advanced use oriented router, but, sometimes it has some problem with using the router, or it may be disabled for some time. Though I have also faced the same problem for some time from Netgear Customer Support but it was not so much helpful for every time, So, I also need some suggestion over that.
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