HR Tech cube
by on May 31, 2024

Laura, given the unusual turnover observed in the tech world in 2023, how do you anticipate employers can creatively attract, retain, and grow talent in 2024?

In 2023, we saw an unusual amount of turnover in the tech world, from layoffs to an increase in employees transitioning to new employers and even careers. This means that in 2024, it will be up to employers to focus on attracting, retaining, and growing their best talent in unique ways. Many tech companies can hire en masse, but the focus now needs to be on what will make them stay. This could include implementing business positions around improved DEI and ESG, as well as the integration of new technology like AI. Potential employees also look to companies to help broaden their skill sets. By implementing better training programs aimed at improving management skills and building talent and/or domain knowledge, employees will seek to extend their careers within the company they are at instead of looking elsewhere. Ultimately, the companies that will be most suited for talent retention will be those that look beyond just the employee’s current role but seek to expand their education and listen to what they desire in their company growth.

In the context of talent retention, how do you see the integration of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives playing a role in tech companies?

There has been a notable surge in jobs related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) industries. These are areas of interest for both present and future employees, and they’re only continuing to expand. Young college graduates are now finding new employment opportunities in these fields, overall helping companies align with new values while tackling meaningful societal challenges.

Explore HRTech News for the latest Tech Trends in Human Resources Technology.

Posted in: Business, Technology
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