by on October 7, 2023


A tranquil and magical location called Skandagiri is only a few hours' drive from the busy metropolis of Bangalore. Skandagiri Trek, also called Kalavara Durga, is a beautiful hill fortification about 70 kilometers from Bangalore. Due to its breathtaking sunrise walk, which offers a wonderful experience that is really unforgettable, this scenic location has grown incredibly famous among adventure seekers and environment lovers.

Experience of the Skandagiri Sunrise Trek

The Skandagiri sunrise trek is a singular experience that provides the ideal fusion of history, nature, and heart-pounding hiking.

The Trail: The hike to Skandagiri starts at the foothills and winds through forested areas, rocky terrain, and ascents that are rather high. A reasonably difficult trip ideal for both novice and experienced hikers, the complete hiking route is around 8 kilometers long (to and fro).

Historical Relevance

Skandagiri is incredibly important historically. The hilltop is home to the remains of a 19th-century fort that served as Tipu Sultan, the king of the Kingdom of Mysore,'s bastion. Exploring these historical relics makes the walk more intriguing and enables you to connect with the past while surrounded by the beauty of nature.

Night Trek Alternative

The possibility of doing the Skandagiri sunrise trek at night is one of its distinctive features. This alternative is preferred by many adventure seekers because it provides a different viewpoint of the route. The experience is made more exciting and mysterious by starting in the dark with the moon and stars as your company. As you ascend, the hope of seeing a beautiful sunrise keeps you inspired all night long.

Beautiful Sunrise

Sunrise views from the top of Skandagiri are unquestionably the trek's greatest reward. The eastern sky creates a stunning tapestry of colors as dawn breaks, and the first sun rays gently illuminate the surroundings. The surrounding hills and valleys are bathed in golden hues, and the view from the summit is nothing short of breathtaking. It's a scene that perfectly encapsulates tranquillity and beauty, leaving you feeling deeply at peace and in awe.

Opportunities for Photography:

Photographers will find Skandagiri to be a photographer's dream for capturing the area's natural splendor. The sky's shifting hues at sunrise, the silhouettes of fellow hikers against the horizon, and the ancient ruins are all visually appealing.

A Paradise for Birdwatchers

Skandagiri is renowned for having a wide variety of wildlife. While hiking, keep a lookout for several bird species, such as the spotted dove, jungle babbler, and Indian robin. Early in the morning is the best time to go birdwatching, and if you're lucky, you might even see some uncommon and migrating species.


Camping is a choice for people who want to extend their Skandagiri experience. At the base of the hill, there are approved camping areas where you can pitch your tent and spend the night stargazing. Camping enables you to take in the tranquil surroundings and enjoy a bonfire while conversing with other hikers.

Making Plans for the Skandagiri Sunrise Trek

Now that you're eager to embark on the Skandagiri Sunrise Trek, here are some tips for making your plans: Check to see if any permits or licenses are needed before starting the walk. To maintain Skandagiri's natural beauty, it is crucial to adhere to the laws and norms that have been established by the authorities.


To fully appreciate the magic of the daybreak, you must plan your walk carefully. Day treks typically begin in the early morning, whereas night treks typically begin around midnight. Make sure you get to the top before sunrise.

Essential Gear:

 Be sure to pack for the hike. Carry extra water to be hydrated, put on comfortable trekking shoes, and dress in layers to account for shifting temperatures. For the nighttime hike, don't forget a high-quality headlamp or flashlight.

Presented Tours: 

Consider joining a guided trekking group if you're a novice hiker or if you'd rather not travel alone. Your safety will be guaranteed, and knowledgeable guides will share interesting facts about the geography and history.

Make No Trace: 

By adhering to the Leave No Trace guidelines, you can respect the environment and your fellow hikers. Avoid harming wildlife and flowers by disposing of your rubbish correctly.


If you intend to stay the night, reserve a place to stay in advance. After the hike, you can unwind at resorts and homestays nearby.


A tour that combines adventure, history, and unmatched natural beauty is the Skandagiri sunrise walk from Bangalore. The stunning dawn view from the hill's summit is certain to leave an enduring impression on your heart and soul, whether you decide to hike during the day or at night. Skandagiri should therefore be at the top of your list if you're searching for an exciting getaway from the craziness of the city and an opportunity to re-establish a connection with nature. It's an adventure that will provide lifelong treasured memories.


Posted in: Business, Entertainment
Topics: travel, skandagiri
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