Li Power Solutions
by on December 26, 2023

Utilizing solar backup power has grown in popularity as a greener alternative in recent years. It is an essential part designed to keep a solar power system operating. If you already have solar and want to reduce peak electricity costs from time-of-use rates, solar backup power is a great option in the event of a blackout.

The extra solar energy you generate during the day is stored in your backup battery. Your batteries serve as the storage, and your solar panels as the generators. After that, your battery system kicks in whenever it's needed. This could occur when your panels are not producing or are less efficient during weather events, or in the evenings when they shut down. Solar generators guarantee that you will always have electricity when you need it, no matter what happens.

Benefits of Solar Backup Power

No gas, fumes, or noise.
Cost-effective and compatible with your solar power system for installation
Maintenance-free design.
Can be installed indoors.
Recharge from solar or the grid.
Silent and safe.

Solar backup power could last for days with moderate use, enabling you to survive long blackouts with your electronics, essential appliances, and lighting all operational.

Long Island Power Solutions offers incredibly economical and efficient solar backup power systems. They can install a backup system with your new solar system; if you already have solar, we can retrofit a battery backup. Their advisors are skilled in creating a completely integrated backup system for your residences, condominiums, offices, shops, and homeowner's associations.

Posted in: Business
Topics: solar
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