by on May 22, 2024
Colin, could you elaborate on the concerns you’ve raised regarding AI’s impact on elections? Answer: When it comes to AI and its impact/role in elections, the challenge is misinformation, generated by deep fakes (e.g. someone’s image and voice being used to propagate false opinions and incorrect information), bot accounts on social media propagating incorrect and/or misleading information and people’s susceptibility these types of behaviors. In practical terms this means that we all need to b...
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by on May 22, 2024
In this demanding work environment, employee mental health is gradually becoming an important subject of focus for organizations. Therefore, it is essential to create a positive environment beyond personal satisfaction, which directly influences overall productivity, success, and engagement in the workplace. Looking at the current scenario, addressing mental health assistance for employees is not merely an ethical duty for employers but also a fundamental factor in designing a happy and produ...
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by on April 8, 2024
In our increasingly data-driven world, algorithms play a significant role in shaping our lives. From loan approvals to social media feeds, these complex programs make decisions that can have a profound impact. However, algorithms are not infallible, and their development can be susceptible to biases. This is where algorithm auditors step in, acting as crucial watchdogs to ensure fairness and mitigate potential harm. Algorithm auditors possess a unique skillset. They understand the intricacies...
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by on March 4, 2024
In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), media companies and other businesses alike continue to find themselves entangled in a web of lawsuits and public criticism, shining a spotlight on the issue of ethical transparency. Journalism has long been plagued by issues around deception — consumers often wonder what’s sensationalism and what’s not. However, with the latest casualty in the ongoing Sports Illustrated debacle, whose reputation greatly suffered after being accus...
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by on February 15, 2024
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a game changer in the business landscape, as this technology can analyze massive amounts of data, make accurate predictions, and automate the business process. However, AI and ethics problems have been in the picture for the past few years and are gradually increasing as AI becomes more pervasive. Therefore, the need of the hour is for chief information officers (CIOs) to be more vigilant and cognizant of ethical issues and find ways to eliminate or reduc...
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by on January 23, 2024
In this technologically dominated era, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) has become a trend in numerous industries across the globe. With this development of technology, AI brings potential risks like malicious attacks, data leakage, and tampering. Thus, companies are going beyond traditional security measures and developing technology to secure AI applications and services and ensure they are ethical and secure. This revolutionary discipline and framework is known as AI Trust, ...
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by on January 15, 2024
Generative AI (GenAI) has the potential to automate a broad range of tasks, which boosts productivity, offers new opportunities, and reduces costs as it does not require technical skills to use generative AI tools or software and is widely available. Tech visionaries believe that GenAI will be accessible to workers worldwide to access information and skills across broader roles and business functions. This makes generative AI one of the most disruptive trends of this decade. According to Gartner...
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by on November 30, 2023
For shoppers, this is the perfect time to celebrate the holiday season, and for the e-commerce sector, it is an ideal time to get many reviews. However, during this time of the year, E-commerce stores face problems with understaffed teams, supply chain woes, and changing customer behaviors, which, when combined, create the storm of the century. As consumer behavior and preferences change every season, e-commerce merchants continuously seek innovative strategies to engage and satisfy their cus...
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by on November 21, 2023
The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionising our lives and work, making processes more efficient. Technologies like large-scale machine learning and natural language processing models, such as ChatGPT, are pushing the boundaries of what was once confined to the realm of science fiction. However, a significant challenge remains in bridging the gap between technical brilliance and real-world application. While AI has made significant progress in virtual environments,...
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