by on July 9, 2024
In the data-driven world, data visualization is the ultimate BI tool that takes large datasets from numerous sources, aiding data visualization engineers to analyze data and visualize it into actionable insights. In the data analysis process, data visualization is the final chapter that includes a variety of graphs, charts, and histograms in the form of reports and dashboards to make the data more friendly and understandable. Therefore, to create a data analysis report that stands out, AITech...
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by on January 5, 2024
In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the rise and implementation of hybrid cloud computing solutions have become pivotal in reshaping the future of IT infrastructure. As large-scale businesses strive to increase efficiency, reduce latency, and enhance stability, IT professionals adopt this dynamic technology. Cloud technologists believe hybrid clouds may be better for operational efficiency, security, faster application development, improved business insights, and better resiliency. ...
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by on November 27, 2023
The acceleration in the adoption of cloud technology has revolutionised the business landscape, and in doing so, significantly altered the cybersecurity ecosystem. The vast potential of cloud technology, such as its scalability, adaptability, and cost-effectiveness, has not gone unnoticed by nefarious entities seeking opportunities for exploitation. As businesses across ASEAN continue their transition to the cloud, they are increasingly confronted with escalating incidents of data breaches, rans...
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