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by on July 13, 2023
We’ve just stepped into the whole new year. Perhaps, most of us just want to forget the sad 2020 and hope 2021 comes with the potential of economic recovery. Every year, businesses need to look back on what they’ve done and evaluate their performance to set goals for the next year. Business goals support firms to orientate their way clearly to avoid inertia. Goal setting is very crucial and necessary for the growth of your business. To help you get started with your business goals this year, we’...
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by on July 13, 2023
If you are running an online community, you need to know how to manage your community successfully. Making your community a success helps you to improve your customer loyalty, boosting your revenue, and increasing your brand awareness. However, building a thriving community is not just a thing that can be done overnight. It requires a lot of effort from community managers. They need to set metrics to measure and monitor all the community activities. Besides, all the data collected needs to be...
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by on July 13, 2023
The last six months have been incredibly challenging for businesses as the world tried to cope with the COVID-19 coronavirus. A global pandemic resulting in a complete or partial lockdown of the economy is a scenario that no CMO playbook could have planned for. Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels ...
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by on July 13, 2023
By Karen O’Brien, Trufan CMO To say that 2020 has been an interesting year would be an understatement. So much has happened this year it’s hard to keep track of it all. Of course, we have the global pandemic, the protests for racial equality, and the election to name a few. These events and many more have impacted marketing this year and will continue to impact us well into 2021. With this year nearing its end, I wanted to take a look at some predictions for social media marketing in 2021. ...
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by on July 11, 2023
In the last decade, social media has become more and more popular for any individual or organization. Things and humans are now able to interact with the world more easily. According to social media statistics, the number of social network users has reached 3.5 billion, equivalent to 46% of the total world population. A person spends an average of 2.6 hours a day using social networking sites. Using social networking sites bring great benefits to our life, but first, we need to define social med...
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