HR Tech cube
by on April 16, 2024

Diljaan, could you discuss your approach to learning and development within the retail sector, particularly in the context of both call centre training and broader HR strategies?
When we talk about learning & development in retail, especially at Match Retail, we’re really painting on a broad, vibrant canvas.

Working in retail has always been mercurial, always ever-evolving. If I can continue the art piece metaphor, retail is constantly changing colors with trends in technology and consumer behavior.

As the Director of Training, I approach this with a blend of traditional retail acumen while striving to experiment with new, untried ideas and strategies. It’s about ensuring that our call center teams and broader HR strategies are not just keeping pace, but are ahead of the curve.

Let’s start with call centers. Here, the training isn’t just about handling calls efficiently. It’s about giving our team the knowledge and tools to make every customer feel special. Like every business, we’re integrating AI to streamline processes. But the core remains focused on enhancing human interactions.

For broader HR strategies, it’s about nurturing a culture where continuous learning is as natural as breathing. We’re encouraging our teams to embrace change, be it new software, shifting consumer trends, or evolving communication channels.

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Posted in: Business, Technology
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