by on June 13, 2024
Paul, please elaborate on the significance of assessing candidate integrity in the hiring process, especially amidst optimistic hiring trends and the influence of AI-driven recruitment. Ensuring candidate integrity is paramount for any organization, especially amidst the current surge in hiring and the prevalence of AI-driven recruitment processes. Integrity forms the foundation of trust within an organization. Hence, it’s imperative to emphasize to employees the significance of upholding ethic...
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by on May 31, 2024
Laura, given the unusual turnover observed in the tech world in 2023, how do you anticipate employers can creatively attract, retain, and grow talent in 2024? In 2023, we saw an unusual amount of turnover in the tech world, from layoffs to an increase in employees transitioning to new employers and even careers. This means that in 2024, it will be up to employers to focus on attracting, retaining, and growing their best talent in unique ways. Many tech companies can hire en masse, but the foc...
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by on May 9, 2024
Ankoor, as the Chief Marketing Officer at Shisham Digital, could you please provide insights into the current challenges and opportunities within performance and affiliate marketing, particularly regarding the utilization of our proprietary audience intelligence technology? Affiliate marketing is undergoing a significant evolution. Privacy changes, escalating ad costs, and market fragmentation present formidable challenges to performance marketing. However, amidst these challenges, there are ...
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by on April 16, 2024
Diljaan, could you discuss your approach to learning and development within the retail sector, particularly in the context of both call centre training and broader HR strategies? When we talk about learning & development in retail, especially at Match Retail, we’re really painting on a broad, vibrant canvas. Working in retail has always been mercurial, always ever-evolving. If I can continue the art piece metaphor, retail is constantly changing colors with trends in technology and consumer b...
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